Light Pollution Considerations

Less than a century ago, the starry night sky was visible to most people. Now with the increased and widespread use of artificial light at night, our view of the universe is impaired, affecting our environment, safety, energy and health.

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Less than a century ago, the starry night sky was visible to most people. Now with the increased and widespread use of artificial light at night, our view of the universe is impaired, affecting our environment, safety, energy and health.

The key factor of sky glow — light pollution that affects the night sky — is outdoor lighting. Specifically, it is an issue of light trespass, which is light being cast where it is not wanted or needed, such as light from a streetlight or a floodlight that illuminates the street but also a neighbor's bedroom, making it difficult for them to sleep. Glare due to light trespass can cause a loss of visibility. It can also induce pain from overly bright sources.

A study published in Science Advances by the German Research Centre for Geoscience (GFZ) suggests the nighttime face of the planet is getting brighter, and that may be doing significant harm to the health of human beings, animals and the ecosystem all together. In humans, it can disrupt circadian rhythms, making it more difficult to sleep, and it can make it harder to see when driving at night.

Researchers say well-designed LED lamps can cut down on the amount of wasted light the bulbs emit without creating a noticeable difference for human users. Even better, is using a directional diffuse light. Unlike conventional light, which produces shadows and reflections, diffused light produces uniform, soft lighting that illuminates the entire space and makes objects visible while reducing shadows or reflections.

Generac Mobile offers diffused LEDs that provide even, glare-free lighting for a variety of applications. Conventional light fixtures may emit harsh light that could be distracting to drivers, workers and others nearby. Diffused LED lights minimize glare while reducing light trespass and sky glow. Additionally, the innovative design of Generac’s diffuse LED fixtures allow them to be adjusted at a 45-degree angle and at 0-degrees, or straight down. When using the light tower with fixtures in the 0-degree or straight down position, light is focused downward, minimizing light pollution. Diffuse LEDs are available on Generac Mobile’s MLT6 and MLT4060 LED Light Towers. Click HERE for more information.